Boys & Girls Clubs of America

Atlanta, Georgia

The Highest Honor for Committed Leaders

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America now boasts an inspiring addition to its facilities with the Blue Spirit Award Wall. This project was designed by Smallwood in collaboration with the Boys & Girls Clubs' creative and branding team. This custom wall celebrates the essence of leadership within the community featuring the Blue Spirit Award. This prestigious recognition is awarded to club leaders who illustrate exemplary leadership within their communities.

This installation highlights the current year's honorees but also pays tribute and records past recipients as well. The feature wall is adorned with a large scale dimensional logo, a floating placard with a short narrative outlining the significance of the award, large dimensional text, and crystal-clear frames the showcase the honorees and their respective clubs. The entire display area is tailored to blend in the BGCA creative space harmoniously by making use of their signature blue and yellow as well as their unique typeface.

The goal of its design was to encapsulate elegance and simplicity by creating a focal point in the BGCA workplace for staff and visitors to reflect on past achievements made by their community leaders. Carefully formed to align with the Boys & Girls Clubs' branding standards, yet exhibiting a unique aesthetic for this specific accolade, the award wall represents a perfect marriage of form and function. It has been thoughtfully crafted to facilitate easy updates by office staff, allowing for the inclusion of future winners, thus ensuring its lasting relevance and appeal.


Thank you for the great work on the display, I've been getting many compliments! You were all great to work with. Excellent work!

David Holston
National Director Creative Services
Boys & Girls Clubs of America

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